Memorable Races

My Most Memorable Races- Maria

I’ve been watching F1 for quite some long, but my favourite ones might be the recent ones.

Turkey 2020 -How can a Lewis Hamilton fan forget this one? Lewis getting his 7th world title and making history. I remember like it was yesterday when I sat on my living room floor and cried for hours because HE made it!
Can’t forget Seb back on the podium and Lance’s first pole!


Interlagos 2021 – The best race of the 2021 season! My home race was full of surprises as Lewis got 2 grid penalties, and made 25 overtakes and still won the race. It was simply magical. But besides the result, the memorable part was definitely when he grabbed the Brazilian flag like Senna used to do. I swear to god that even my parents, who were supporting other drivers, cried at that moment.


Monza 2021 -There are no words that can describe the feeling of seeing a McLaren driver on the highest place of the podium after 9 years. It brought us hope, a feeling that we thought we had lost with the last few years, but it was there, and I can say it is the best feeling in the world.


Baku 2018 – There’s nothing too special with this race other than the chaos with RedBull, but for some reason it was quite memorable for me!


Hope you enjoyed this installation of our most memorable races. Stay tuned for more from The Fastest Sector and make sure to follow our social media while you wait for the next post!

Memorable Races

My Most Memorable Races – Leslie

Here is part two of the new series where we share our most memorable races with you guys.

I’ve been watching F1 for quite some time so the memorable races span over a long period of time. If only I could write about all of my memorable races, I’d have a very long list in that case. Nevertheless, these were some very special moments and I’m so glad I could share them with you guys.

Abu Dhabi 2010: These iconic radio moments will live with me forever: “Just you wait sunshine.” Or “Du bist weiltmeister!” As Sebastian Vettel made history, becoming the youngest ever F1 world champion, I remember the celebrations very clearly. Many counted him out and didn’t consider him a potential champion, but his fans never doubted him. As he crossed the line for the chequered flag and his team waited for confirmation for the final standings, the tensions were high, and nine year old me couldn’t contain my excitement when he was crowned world champion. This will probably be the most memorable race for me; because, although it was not the first race I watched, it was definitely the most significant. It marked the beginning of a reign I will never forget.


Brazil 2012: In what can be classified as one of his best drives in F1, Brazil 2012 was a day to remember as Sebastian came all the way to the back of the field to third place and clinched his third consecutive title in a row. A mix of emotions were felt through out the race, thoughts of “he might lose it” came up many times as he had to fight his way through and luck didn’t seem to be on his side. Irrespective of the difficulty, he did it. He brought it home.


Canada 2019: Everyone remembers this race for different reasons. One of the main reasons for me was the outrage I felt when Sebastian was given a five second penalty which many believed was quite harsh. The other reason was the pure shock and amusement I felt when I believed Sebastian would snub the podium ceremony and when he switch the number plates of first and second. A pretty tough moment to forget if you ask me.


Austria 2020: The first race back in F1 after a break due to the outbreak of the coronavirus was a brilliant one. As a McLaren fan, all I wanted to see was a papaya car on the podium. We had high hopes for the season. Before the race started I joked, “Imagine if Lando got a podium.” This joke became a reality in one of the best ways possible. By just a tenth of a second, he clinched his first podium, a very special moment.


Monza 2021: It had been a long time since both McLaren cars had been on the podium together, and the new pairing of Lando and Danny Ric was yet to produce the fine fruits we knew it would, until that magical day in Monza. I couldn’t dream of a better way to celebrate the team than with a 1-2, the only one of the season. After Daniels tough start to the season, a win to silence the haters was perfect, followed by Lando, who took a career best finish. It was simply lovely.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my most memorable races! Comment what your most memorable races are— maybe we have some in common. In the meantime, make sure to keep up to date with everything on our social media.